utf-8 devanagari version of texts appearing in these pages are created by Shree Devi Kumar.
Text and translation of Harivamsha online (on-going project)
Text follows that edited by Pandit Ramachandrashastri Kinjawadekar and
published by the Chitrashala Press in 1936.
Text in itrans prepared by K.S. Ramachandran and Gilles Schaufelberger.
English Translation of Harivamsha Parva by Desiraju Hanumanta Rao.
The hundred shloka Bharata Savitri (Supplement to Harivamsa)
Text in itrans prepared by Desiraju Hanumanta Rao
from the Telugu version presented by shrI jannAbhaTla
vIreshvara shAstry.
The Appendix II of the Critical Edition of the BORI Harivamsha contains a
section called Sheshadharmaprakaranam found in a few manuscripts of
Harivamsa and in a few independent manuscripts.
Text in itrans prepared by A. Purushothaman.