Harivamsha Maha Puranam - Vishnu Parva
    atha tritIyo.adhyAyaH
    harivamsha in the mahAbharata - viShNuparva
    Chapter 3 - Hymn to Arya
vaishaMpAyana uvAcha
AryAstavaM pravakShyAmi yathoktaMR^iShibhiH purA |
nArAyaNIM namasyAmi devIM tribhuvaneshvarIm ||2-3-1
vaishaMpAyana said:
I will now recite the hymn to Arya, as formerly pronounced by sages of ancient times. I offer veneration to devI nArAyaNi, the goddess of the three worlds.
tvaM hi siddhirdhR^itiH kIrtiH shrIrvidyA sannatirmatiH |
saMdhyA rAtriH prabhA nidrA kAlarAtristathaiva cha ||2-3-2
You are perfection (siddhi), perseverance (dhR^iti), fame (kIrti), prosperity (shrI), knowledge (vidyA), modesty (sannati), intelligence (mati), twilight (saMdhyA), night (rAtri), radiance (prabhA), sleep (nidrA) and the night of destruction at the end of the world (kAlarAtri).
AryA kAtyAyanI devI kaushikI brahmachAriNI |
jananI siddhasenasya ugrachArI mahAbalA ||2-3-3
You are known as AryA, kAtyAyanI, devI, kaushikI, observant of the vow of celibacy (brahmachAriNI), mother of siddhasena (skanda). You are ferocious (ugrachArI) and powerful (mahAbalA).
jayA cha vijayA chaiva puShTistuShTiH kShamA dayA |
jyeShThA yamasya bhaginI nIlakausheyavAsinI ||2-3-4
You are jayA, vijayA, puShTi (prosperity), tuShTi (contentment), patience (kShmA) and kindness (dayA). You are the elder sister of yama (mR^ityu - death). You dress in blue silk.
bahurUpA virUpA cha anekavidhichAriNI |
virUpAkShI vishAlakShI bhaktAnAM parirakShiNI ||2-3-5
You have multiple forms. You have fearful forms. You follow various paths. You have fearful eyes. You have wide eyes. You always protect your devotees.
parvatAgreShu ghoreShu nadIShu cha guhAsu cha |
vAsaste cha mahAdevi vaneShUpavaneShu cha ||2-3-6
You dwell in dangerous peaks of mountains, rivers, caves, forests and gardens.
shabarairbarbaraishchaiva pulindaishcha supUjitA |
mayUrapichChadhvajinI lokAnkramasi sarvashaH ||2-3-7
You are worshipped by tribal people such as shabara-s, barbara-s and pulinda-s. Your flag is decorated with peacock feathers. You constantly roam in all worlds.
kukkuTaishChAgalairmeShaissiMhairvyAghraissamAkulA |
ghaNTAninAdabahulA vindhyavAsinyabhishrutA ||2-3-8
You are always thronged by cocks, goats, sheep, lions and tigers. Your surroundings are filled with the sound of bells You are known as the one who resides in vindhya mountains (vindhyAvAsini).
trishUlI paTTishadharA sUryachandrapatAkinI |
navamI kR^iShNapakShasya shuklasyaikAdashI tathA ||2-3-9
You carry a trident and a spear in your arms. Your flag has signs of sun and moon. The ninth day of the dark half month and eleventh day of the bright half of the month are specially meant for your worship.
bhaginI baladevasya rajanI kalahapriyA |
AvAsaH sarvabhUtAnAM niShThA cha paramA gatiH ||2-3-10
You are the sister of baladeva. You are the night. You are fond of strife (kalaha). You are the abode, death and liberation of all beings.
nandagopasutA chaiva devAnAM vijayAvahA |
chIravAsAH suvAsAshcha raudrI saMdhyAcharI nishA ||2-3-11
You are the daughter of nandagopa. You are the victory of deva-s. You are bark-clad and well-clad. You are pArvati (raudrI) and you are night. You move around in the twilight.
prakIrNakeshI mR^ityushcha surAmAMsabalipriyA |
lakShmIralakShmIrUpeNa dAnavAnAM vadhAya cha ||2-3-12
You are with dishevelled hair. You are the death of living beings. You are fond of offerings of liquor and meat. You are lakShmi. As alakShmi you are the death of dAnavA-s.
sAvitrI chApi devAnAM mAtA mantragaNasya cha |
kanyAnAM brahmacharyatvaM saubhAgyaM pramadAsu cha ||2-3-13
You are sAvitrI (one of the sixteen mAtR^i-s). You are the mother of devA-s and incantations. You are the celibacy of unmarried girls and conjugal bliss (saubhAgyaM) of married women.
antarvedI cha yaj~nAnAmR^itvijAM chaiva dakShiNA |
karShukANAM cha sIteti bhUtAnAM dharaNIti cha ||2-3-14
You are the sacrificial altar of yaj~nA-s. You are the dakShiNa of those who conduct sacrifice. You are the plough-line made on earth (sItA) by farmers. You are the earth that sustains all living entities.
siddhiH sAMyAtrikANAM tu velA tvaM sAgarasya cha |
yakShANAM prathamA yakShI nAgAnAM suraseti cha ||2-3-15
You are the profit earned by sea-faring merchants. You are the shore of the ocean. Among yakShA-s, you are the chief yakShI, (mother of kubera). Among nAgA-s, you are surasa, mother of nAgA-s.
brahmavAdinyatho dIkShA shobhA cha paramA tathA |
jyotiShAM tvaM prabhA devi nakShatrANAM cha rohiNI ||2-3-16
You are the initiation (dIkShA) of brahmavAdI-s. You are the supreme radiance. You are the radiance of planets. Among stars, you are rohiNI.
rAjadvAreShu tIrtheShu nadInAM sa~NgameShu cha |
pUrNA cha pUrNimA chandre kR^ittivAsA iti smR^itA ||2-3-17
You are present at royal entrances, tIrthA-s, confluence of rivers in your complete form. You are the moonlight. You are remembered as kR^ittivAsA (pArvatI).
sarasvatI cha vAlmIke smR^itirdvaipAyane tathA |
R^ishINAM dharmabuddhistu devAnAM mAnasI tathA |
surA devI cha bhUteShu stUyase tvaM svakarmabhiH ||2-3-18
You are sarasvatI (Goddess of learning) of maharShi vAlmIki, and the memory (smR^iti) of dvaipAyana (vyAsa). You are dharmabudhhi of sages and mind (fixed in truth) of devA-s. Among living entities, you are surA devI. You are glorified by your acts.
indrasya chArudR^iShTistvaM sahasranayaneti cha |
tApasAnAM cha devI tvamaraNI chAgnihotriNAm ||2-3-19
You are the beautiful vision of Indra. You are known as the one with thousand eyes. You are the goddess of ascetics. You are the araNi wood used (to produce fire) by brAhmaNAs to perform agnihotra (oblation to agni).
kShudhA cha sarvabhUtAnAM tR^iptistvaM daivateShu cha |
svAhA tR^iptirdhR^itirmedhA vasUnAM tvaM vasUmatI ||2-3-20
You are the hunger of all entities and the satisfaction of devA-s. You are the offering (svAhA), satisfaction (tripti), patience (dhR^iti) and wisdom (medhA). You are the mother of vasus, earth (vasumatI).
AshA tvaM mAnuShANAM cha puShTishcha kR^itakarmaNAm |
dishashcha vidishashchaiva tathA hyagnishikhA prabhA ||2-3-21
You are the ambition (AshA) of human beings and the achievement of accomplished persons. You are the directions, horizons, flames of fire and the radiance.
shakunI pUtanA tvaM cha revatI cha sudAruNA |
nidrApi sarvabhUtAnAM mohinI kShatriyA tathA ||2-3-22
You are vulture. You are pUtanA (one of the mothers attending skanda). You are revatI. You are terrible (sudAruNA). You are sleep that puts all beings into illusion. You are kShatryA.
vidyAnAM brahmavidyA tvamo~NkAro.atha vaShaT tathA |
nArINAM pArvatIM cha tvAM paurANImR^iShayo viduH ||2-3-23
Among all kinds of knowledge, you are spiritual knowledge (brahmavidyA). You are Om and vaShaT (mantra for homa for devA-s). Among women, the sages know you as pArvati, celebrated in purANA-s.
arundhatI cha sAdhvInAM prajApativacho yathA |
yathArthanAmabhirdivyairindrANI cheti vishR^utA ||2-3-24
According to prajApati-s, you are arundhati (wife of vasiShTha) among sAdhvIs (pativratA-s, chaste women). You are famous as indrANi (wife of indra) among the true divine names.
tvayA vyAptamidaM sarvaM jagatsthAvaraja~Ngamam |
The entire world of non-moving and moving entities is pervaded by you.
saMgrAmeShu cha sarveShu agniprajvaliteShu cha |
nadItIreShu chaureShu kAntAreShu bhayeShu cha ||2-3-25
pravAse rAjabandhe cha shatrUNAM cha pramardane |
prANAtyayeShu sarveShu tvaM hi rakShA na saMshayaH ||2-3-26
There is no doubt that you are the only protection in all battles, where fire rages, on river banks, from thieves, from fearful forests, on foreign lands, in royal prisons, from oppression by enemies or wherever there is danger to life.
tvayi me hR^idayaM devi tvayi chittaM manastvayi |
rakSha mAM sarvapApebhyaH prasAdaM kartumarhasi ||2-3-27
O devI, you are my heart. My mind is fixed in thinking about you. Protect me from all sins. Kindly be pleased with me.
imaM yaH sustavaM divyamiti vyAsaprakalpitam |
yaH paThetprAtarutthAya shuchiH prayatamAnasaH ||2-3-28
tribhirmAsaiH kA~NkShitaM cha phalaM vai saMprayachChasi |
You will fulfill, within three months, all the desires of the person who, getting up every morning, recites, with a pure and controlled mind, this beautiful divine hymn, spoken by me and composed by vyAsa.
ShaDbhirmAsairvariShThaM tu varamekaM prayachChasi ||2-3-29
You will grant a boon to the person who recites this hymn daily for six months.
architA navabhirmAsairdivyaM chakShuH prayachChasi |
saMvatsareNa siddhiM tu yathAkAmaM prayachChasi ||2-3-30
You will grant divine eye to the person who worships you for nine months. You will fulfill all the desires of a person who worships you for an year.
Translators' note: In this shloka, the chitrashAla version tu tribhir has been replaced by the BORI version navabhir .
satyaM brahma cha divyaM cha dvaipAyanavacho yathA |
According to dvaipAyana (vyAsa), you are truth (satyam), brahmA and divine (divyam).
nR^iNAM bandhaM vadhaM ghoraM putranAshaM dhanakShayam ||2-3-31
vyAdhimR^ityubhayaM chaiva pUjitA shamayiShyasi |
When worshipped by men, you will remove all fears of bondage, terrible death, loss of children, loss of wealth, disease and death.
bhaviShyasi mahAbhAge varadA kAmarUpiNI ||2-3-32
You assume any form as desired to grant boons to your worshippers.
mohayitvA cha taM kaMsamekA tvaM bhokShyase jagat |
Confounding kaMsa, you, durga( ekA), will enjoy the entire world.
ahamapyAtmano vR^ittiM vidhAsye goShu gopavat |
svavR^iddhyarthamahaM chaiva kariShye kaMsagopatAm ||2-3-33
Living in vraja among cowherds, I will behave as an ordinary human being. For my livelihood, I will tender the cows of kaMsa.
evaM tAM sa samAdishya gato.antardhAnamIshvaraH |
sA chApi taM namaskR^itya tathAstviti cha nishchitA ||1-3-34
After instructing nidrAdevi in this manner, lord viShNu disappeared. Goddess nidrA offered veneration to viShNu and decided to follow his instructions.
yashchaitatpaThate stotraM shR^iNuyAdvApyabhIkShNashaH |
sarvArthasiddhiM labhate naro nAstyatra saMshayaH ||2-3-35
There is no doubt that one who recites or hears this hymn repeatedly will achieve all perfection that he desires.
iti shrimahAbhArate khileShu harivaMshe viShNuparvaNi svapnagarbhavidhAne AryAstutau tritIyo.adhyAyaH
Thus this is the third chapter of viShNuparva of harivaMsha, the sequel to shrImahAbhArata, Hymn to Arya.

    nIlakaNTha commentary

asmimstritIye tvadhyAye viShNunA prabhaviShNunA |
AryAstava upanyasto jagaddhita itIryate || iti shrIharivaMshe viShNuparvaNi TIkAyAM tR^itIyo.adhyAyaH

##Itranslated and proofread by K S Rmachandran ramachandran_ksr@yahoo.ca, February 25, 2008
Further proof-read by Gilles Schaufelberger schaufel @ wanadoo.fr
If you find any errors compared to Chitrashala Press edition, send corrections to A. Harindranath harindranath_a @ yahoo.com
Translated to English by A. Purushothaman and A. Harindranath
April 10, 2009##