List of Recent Russian Publications on Sanskrit Epics and Puranas

Compiled by

Yaroslav Vassilkov


Drevnjaja Indija. Tri velikikh skazanija. Literaturnoje izlozhenije i predislovije E.N.Tjomkina i V.G.Ehrmana. Izdanije 2-e, dopolnennoje. Tom 1: Skazanije o Rame. Tom 2: Skazanije o Krishne. Skazanije o velikoj bitve potomkov Bharaty. SPb, “Peterburgskoje vostokovedenije”, 1995. 352+336 pp.

[Ancient India. Three great tales. Literary rendering and foreword by E.N.Tjomkin and V.G.Ehrman. Vol. 1: Tale of Rama. Vol. 2: Tale of Krishna. Tale of the great battle between descendants of Bharata.].

S.L.Neveleva. Makhabharata: Izuchenije drevneindijskogo ehposa [The MahAbhArata: The Studies of Ancient Indian Epic]. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1991; 228 pp. English summary - pp. 226-227.

Makhabharata. Kniga vos’maja. Karnaparva: Kniga o Karne. Perevod s sanskrita Ya.V. Vasil’kova i S.L.Nevelevoj [MahAbhArata. Book VIII. KarNaparvan. Translated from Sanskrit by Ya. V. Vassilkov and S.L.Neveleva]. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1990. 326 pp.

Makhabharata. Kniga sed’maja. Dronaparva, ili Kniga o Drone. Perevod s sanskrita i kommentarii V.I.Kal’yanova [MahAbhArata. Book VII. DroNaparvan. Translated from Sanskrit by V.I.Kal’yanov]. SPb, “Nauka”, 1992. 646 pp.

Makhabharata. Kniga devjataja. Shal’japarva, ili Kniga o Shal’je. Perevod s sanskrita V.I.Kal’yanova [MahAbhArata. Book IX. Zalyaparvan. Translated from Sanskrit by V.I.Kal’yanov]. Moscow, “Ladomir”, 1996. 351 pp.

Makhabharata. Kniga desjataja. Sauptikaparva, ili Kniga ob izbijenii spjashchikh voinov. Perevod s sanskrita S.L.Nevelevoj. Makhabharata. Kniga odinnadtsataja. Striparva, ili Kniga o zhjonakh. Perevod s sanskrita Ya.V.Vasil’kova [MahAbhArata. Book X. Sauptikaparvan, or The Slaughter of Sleeping Warriors. Translated from Sanskrit by S.L.Neveleva. Book XI. StrIparvan, or Book of the Wives. Translated from Sanskrit by Ya.V.Vasil’kov]. Moscow, “Janus-K”, 1998. 235 pp.

Induizm. Dzhajnizm. Sikhizm. Slovar’. [Hinduism. Jainism. Sikhism. A Dictionary. Ed. by M.F.Al’bedil’ and A.M.Dubjanskij] Moskva, “Respublika”, 1996. 576 pp. [about 100 entries written by S.L.Neveleva, Ya.V.Vassilkov and other authors deal with Indian Epics, PurANas, Hindu religion and mythology].

P.D.Sakharov. Mifologicheskoje povestvovanije v sanskritskikh puranakh. [Mythological narrative in Sanskrit purANas]. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1991. 136 pp. English summary: pp. 134-135.


Butenko E.L. Mifologija i osobennosti kul’ta Shivy (na materiale Skanda-purany: Sahyadri-khanda, glava 16). [Mythology and specific features of cult in Zaivism (based on SkandapurANa, Sahyadrikhanda, Chapter 16)]. - “Vestnik Vostochnogo Instituta”, No. 1 (5), vol.3, 1997, pp. 73-124.

Ju. Kokova. Palomnichestvo Baladevy [Baladeva’s pilgrimage]. - In: Sthapakashraddha / SthApakazraddham. Prof. G.A.Zograph Memorial Volume. Ed. by N.V.Gurov and Ya.V.Vassilkov. SPb, “Peterburgskoye vostokovedeniye”, 1995, pp. 269-283. English summary, p. 283.

Ju. Kokova. “Da zashchitit menja Narayana!”. O zhanrovoj prinadlezhnosti odnogo teksta iz Bhagavatapurany. [“Let NArAyaNa protect me!”. On the genre definition of a text from BhAgavatapurANa]. - In: Materialy nauchnoj conferentsii Vostochnogo fakul’teta, posvjashchennoj 275-letiju Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. SPb, 1999, pp. 84-86.

O.N.Krylova. “Ispytanije adom”: poslednije knigi “Makhabkharaty”. [The “Trial by Hell”: Last books of the MahAbhArata] (Foreword and Russian translation of the Books XVII and XVIII of the Mbh). - “Peterburgskoje vostokovedenije”, vol. IX, 1997, pp. 51-68.

S.L.Neveleva. Pravila obshchenija v “Mahabharate” [Rules of communication in the MahAbhArata]. - “Vestnik Vostochnogo Instituta” [Oriental Institute’s Messenger], No. 2 (4), vol.2, SPb, 1996, pp. 78-107.

S.L.Neveleva. Geroicheskiye zhjony v drevneindijskom ehpose [Heroic wifes in Ancient Indian epic]. - In: Indijskaja zhena: Issledovanija, ehsse. [Indian wife: Studies ans essays. Ed. by I.P.Glushkova]. Moscow, “Vostochnaja literatura”, 1996, pp. 29-36

S.L.Neveleva. Pravila obshchenija v “Mahabharate” [Rules of communication in the MahAbhArata]. - In: Ehtiket u narodov Yuzhnoj Azii. [Etiquette among peoples of South Asia. Ed. by N.G.Krasnodembskaya]. SPb, “Peterburgskoye vostokovedeniye”, 1999, pp. 157-182 (revised and enlarged version).

V.S.Sementsov. Zametki o kompozitsii nachal’nykh glav Bhagavadgity. [Notes on the Arrangement of the BhagavadgItA’s initial chapters]. - In: Literatury Indii. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1989, pp. 35-45.

(Vsevolod Sementsov /1941-1986/ believed in the ideological and compositional unity of the BhagavadgItA. In this article he argued that the structure of the first 6 chapters of this text, the sequence of the themes discussed there is predetermined by the sequence of themes in the Arjuna’s initial speech (“question”) in I. 28-46, II.1-10. As Sementsov tries to show, even the main answer, given by the GItA to the central problems of life and religion - i.e., the idea of bhakti - is predetermined by the verse II.7 in Arguna’s speech).

Vsevolod Sementsov. Transmission in the Traditional Culture: The Case of the BhagavadgItA. - “The Petersburg Journal of Cultural Studies”, vol. I, no. 2, 1993, pp. 4-33.

E.N.Tjomkin. On the term itihAsa and the problem of the structure of the MahAbhArata text. - “Manuscripta Orientalia”, International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1996, pp. 13-18.

Yaroslav Vasil’kov. Draupadi in the Assembly-hall, Gandharva-husbands and the Origin of the Ganikas. - “Indologica Taurinensia”. Vol. XV-XVI. 1989-1990. Proceedings of the Seventh World Sanskrit Conference (Leiden, August 23rd-29th, 1987). Torino, 1990, pp. 387-398.

Yaroslav Vasil’kov (in collaboration with N.V.Gurov). Strana Aratta po drevnim pis’mennym istochnikam. [The Land of Aratta as represented in ancient written sources]. - “Vestnik Vostochnogo Instituta”, No. 1, vol.1, 1995, pp. 12-66. English summary: pp. 115-117.

[Contains detailed analysis of Mbh 8. 27, 30 on the background of Sumerian epic data on the “land of Aratta”. “Aratta” is supposed to be the original name of the Indus Valley Civilization].

Yaroslav Vassilkov. Parable of a man hanging in a tree and its archaic background. - In: Sthapakashraddha / SthApakazraddham. Prof. G.A.Zograph Memorial Volume. Ed. by N.V.Gurov and Ya.V.Vassilkov. SPb, “Peterburgskoye vostokovedeniye”, 1995, pp. 257-269.

Yaroslav Vassilkov. Parable of a man hanging in a tree and its archaic background (новый вариант). - “Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature”, vol. 32 (1994-1995), Calcutta, 1995, pp. 38-51.

Yaroslav Vassilkov. The Mahabharata’s Typological Definition Reconsidered. - “Indo-Iranian Journal”, vol. 38, №3, July 1995, p. 249-255.

Yaroslav Vassilkov (in collaboration with V.K.Afanas’jeva:). Drevneindijskaja “Povest’ o Savitri” v perevode N.V.Lobanovoj [Ancient Indian “Tale of SAvitR” in N.V.Lobanova’s translation]. (Foreword

Yaroslav Vassilkov. An Iranian Myth in Eastern India: Gayomart and the Mythology of Gaya. - “Orientalia Suecana”, vol. XLVII (1998), Uppsala, 1999, pp. 131-149.

Yaroslav Vassilkov. Kalavada (the doctrine of Cyclical Time) in the Mahabharata and the concept of Heroic Didactics. - M.Brockington and P.Schreiner (eds.). Composing a Tradition: Concepts, Techniques and Relationships. Proceedings of the First Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas. August 1997. Zagreb, 1999, pp. 17-33.

Works completed, but not yet published:

Ju. Kokova. Obrazy pjati vrishnijskikh gerojev v Bhagavatapurane [Images of six VRSNi heroes in the BhagavatapurANa]. Thesis of the Ph.D. dissertation.

Makhabharata. Kniga shestaya. Bhishmaparva. Perevod s sanskrita V.G. Ehrmana. [MahAbhArata. Book VI: BhISmaparvan. Translated from Sanskrit by V.G.Ehrman]. [Including new Russian translation of the BhagavadgItA].

Makhabharata. Kniga chetyrnadtsataja. Ashvamedhikaparva. Perevod s sanskrita Ya.V. Vasil’kova i S.L.Nevelevoj [MahAbhArata. Book XIV. Azvamedhikaparvan. Translated from Sanskrit by Ya. V. Vassilkov and S.L.Neveleva].

The prospects of the work on the complete translartion of the MahAbhArata:

Ya. V. Vassilkov and S.L.Neveleva have started this year to work on a volume which will contain the translation of the last (XV-XVIII) books of the Mbh. It will take probably two years. After that there will remain only one, but very large gap: didactic Books XII and XIII.